Selling Your Agribusiness: What to Expect

What will the buyer look at?
As you engage with a potential buyer through the sale process, they will have many questions about your business its finances and operations.
At Market Maker Agriculture, we aim to be as comprehensive as we can be, seeing the business from every possible angle. Because we manage our portfolio on behalf of our investors, we have a fiduciary responsibility to go deep and validate everything.
Below you’ll find an overview of the types of things we’ll want to know.

Why does your business exist? What is its mission — and why is that mission important?
What are your core business activities? What industry segment and economic sector do you operate in?
How many do you have, how loyal are they — and how do they contribute to profitability? Where are relationships strongest? Where are they weakest — and why?
What is your current share of the market(s) you serve? Who are your competitors? Where are your best opportunities for future growth?
How strong are your supplier relationships? How dependent are you on any one supplier? Do you have redundancy for times when the supply chain gets tight?
What are your ‘business vital signs’ — profitability, cash flow, working capital, annual sustaining capital, etc? What risks does the business face, and what keeps you up at night?
How do employees experience your business? How committed are they? What are your company values? What’s your management style? How do you handle matters such as health and safety?
How is your business structured? What are your key systems and processes? What technologies do you use? What assets are necessary to keep your business running?
What do you want for the business in the future?
Ask Yourself
Here are some prompts to help you prepare to answer a prospective buyer’s questions.
- How would I explain my business in 30 words or less?
- What makes my business successful?
- What does my business map look like (i.e., can I chart out where the business makes its money)?
- Why do customers keep coming back?
- Why do people like working in my business?
- What tool or system has made the business more efficient — and how?
- Where do I see the business in five to 10 years?
- If I had a magic wand, what’s one thing I would change about my business right now?